Saturday, June 23, 2012

End of the Year ...


I'm all about 'celebrations.' At work, I constantly come up with different reasons to have a festivity of some sort! For Christmas, my friends and colleagues on the first and second grade have a Secret Santa and 'multicultural luncheon', for Daylight Savings Time, we have a jewelry-grab bag breakfast party (its my favorite day!!!), and just this year I decided we should have a breakfast to celebrate the end of another successful school year.

We all chose a breakfast item to bring in (I brought the table cloths ...) and viola, there was a feast! Some of the foods we enjoyed were :: muffins, donuts, bagels, fresh fruit, banana bread and blueberry cobbler. There was much too much food, but it was all delicious, none went to waste (except the cup of coffee that I spilled), and as usual there were many laughs amongst the group.

There was so much food, apparently we did it again the following day. Upon arriving at my classroom, I found everyone there with the leftover deliciousness. This time, I was able to get some photos! I will so miss my friends over the summer. I know we'll be in touch, though, and possibly meet up for a dinner accompanied by lots of laughs.

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