Monday, July 29, 2013

Week One ...

One week ago something very dear in my life changed. I spent last week with friends, talking things over, making plans, kind of going about life as if nothing had changed. In my heart and mind, though, I know what's what and I feel it. I can hide my feelings well but that doesn't mean they aren't hiding & dwelling deep down inside. 

Perhaps every time we go through hurt or heartache it becomes a little easier to get over. My friends seem to think it won't take me as long to heal this time around, but healing is individual.  No one can put a time frame on it. What I do know is that the disappointments don't hurt any less. In being optimistic and hopeful, we trust that things will change & people will hold true to their word and not solely place blame on others for holding them to their word ... Many people continue to disappoint me, but this last one really stung. It's life & I'm learning to look more at a person's actions & not their words. In the future I will do that more. I won't allow anyone to take away my peace or to treat me as though I'm unimportant or an afterthought. 

It may take a long time until I open my heart up again ... I know what I hope and pray for ... But only God knows the end result. In the meantime, I have to keep pressing on & go through each day enjoying it & appreciating the wonderful things I do have. 

I also have to feel my feelings, cry when I need to & lean on God & my support systems when I can't seem to support myself. In time, I'll heal ... I hope.

And in time I'll move on ... I hope ... And I have to keep the faith that God has a very special someone & a great plan for my life. If I lose that faith, I lose all.  There has to be a reason for all of this. I can't say it's fair, but I have to count my blessings. I made it through week one. I don't know how week two will go. I can only keep talking to God & continuing on with my days. I've been here before & I've gotten through. Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt ... Because it surely does. But, this too shall pass. 

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Celebrating Mom!

This Friday, August 2nd, my mother will celebrate her 60th birthday. She doesn't look a day over ... Well, you decide that one. :) 

My sisters and I began planning this 'surprise' party for her back in the winter months, I believe, but of course all the planning and preparing was not completed until an hour before the party began. 

After many trips to BJ's and Party City, we were finally prepared for the day's festivities! 

My sisters did a fantastic job of decorating the house and setting up the picnic area. 

Everyone enjoyed themselves, most of all the birthday girl. She wasn't as surprised as we had hoped, but the surprise was well kept till the last moments. We did the best we could. 

The family had a wonderful time celebrating Mom.  It was evident, in case she didn't already know it, that she is loved very much. She has a good heart & stands firm in the things she believes in. 

I hope she enjoyed her party as much as everyone who was there did. Some family & friends were unable to join us, and while they were missed, they were there in spirit. 

We thank God for our mother. She does love us all very much even though we all bump heads at one time or another. She's been a great help & inspiration to us in ways she may not even realize. We are blessed & we hope & pray that she is blessed with many more exciting & happy years with us.

Today's Thoughts

The words on this inspirational photo are all I need for today. Well, that and time to pray. I need to read & reread it  ... And get back to being me ... One day @ a time. 

Healing is a process ...  I need to learn my lessons, surround myself with supportive people, not just people who agree with me, but who understand my feelings and situations and who will listen and advise, and take my time to figure out what God is telling & showing me ... 
I need to believe that He has not given up on me. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Day at a Time

There are times when I'm not exactly sure what to say. There are other times when I can't stop talking. When my heart is hurting, I often can't find the words to express what I'm dealing with. I much prefer to simply be alone, stay quiet and cry instead of talk. 

I'm definitely in a place where talking is not coming as easily as it normally would. I seem to have hit the familiar wall(s) of disappointment, hurt, broken, broken heart & trust. I really don't understand why this continues to happen, but I need to feel my feelings, pray, surround myself & talk with supportive people, take care of myself and continue to work on making myself my best self. I can only change me & pray for & encourage others. 

I don't enjoy, at all, being in this place where I am hurting. No one does. Nor do I enjoy being so transparent about my feelings. Of course when I'm elated I want to shout it from the rooftops. That's natural. 

The best thing I can do right now is not isolate myself & try to do what makes me happy. This period of being off couldn't have come at a worse time ... But, I'm going to try to stay positive & do the best I can.  That's all I can do. I have a lot to think through and get over. In time & w God's help.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Home Sweet Home

There really is no place like home. That's not just a cliché. Your own bed, things, space, etc. are always much more appreciated after you've been away. If you love where you reside, you'll always be happy to return there.

The New York summer hear hit us harder than the Italian heat. It's definitely the humidity factor. I wasn't prepared for what felt like a wall of heat that I encountered a. walking out of the airport and b. waking into my apartment. It was so hot even my floors were uncomfortable to walk on. Thankfully, the air conditioner helped in minutes and it was bearable. 

Lets recap the flights back. 
We left Florence and took our first flight that led us to Dusseldorf, Germany at 12:45. Well, we were supposed to leave at that time but we were actually shuttled to the plane at that time. We finally left around ... 1:20ish. It was okay, though. We had a layover of about 2 hours, so the layover wasn't as long.  The flight had more turbulence than we were ready for, but thank God we arrived safely. 

Once we arrived at the Dusseldorf airport we went to customs so we could get to our gate. There we encountered a slight problem. I don't know how this happened but when we crossed into the Italian borders, the men looked at or passports and just basically just acknowledged us. I didn't think to ask for the stamps. From now on you can bet I will be expecting a stamp from that country's border patrol. After proving to them, via photo of our itinerary, when we arrived in Italy they allowed us to cross through customs. For those moments where were were unsure of what would come next, we were definitely scared. What if they had not let us through? Quite the momentarily terrifying thought.  I thanked God as soon as they let us through. 

Here we are at the beginning of the flight to JFK.

Our 8 hour flight was not terrible. Not to me, at least. I mean, the time did seem to pass slowly, but we made good use of it ... I read a bit, slept, watched some shows and played solitaire. Nat did the same, but in a different order. She was over the long flight after a while. 

Soon enough, well 8 hours later, we landed at home -- JFK. I think we landed around 7 p.m. Here are the smiles of two happy & semi sleepy gals.

We were welcomed by all & my dad was kind enough to meet / surprise us at the airport. Thankfully, a kind soul met us with my car and we were on our way back home. 

After traveling all day and then some, I didn't get to bed until ... Maybe 12:30 a.m. our time & was up by 5:50 in the morning. It's been a struggle to get back to our time zone, as Italy is 6 hours ahead. I've been exhausted by 8 & up before 6 a.m. these past few days. Hopefully just a few more days of that because I just want to be able to sleep till at least 7. 

Nat has been with Marisel & crew in South Carolina since we've returned. They visited with our cousins as Lindsay's family for her father's wedding. 

Although we returned early, and every day was not as smooth as I had envisioned it to be, I do hope Nat had a good, if not great, trip. Hopefully she saw most of what she had hoped to, learned some valuable lessons and will continue visiting other countries when the opportunity presents itself to her. Nat is a precious individual. I look forward learning of her future endeavors and possibly being a part of them ... Provided they aren't away for longer than 7 days. ;)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Last Day in Italia

Today started off with a run. That's the bit of normalicy I've tried to keep while I've been here. I ran a little under 4 miles, and would have gone out longer but we had reservations for the Accademia Museum.

 We were determined to see The David, along with Michelangelo's other fine, fine work. His sculptures were extremely interesting, including the unfinished works. The David, however, was exquisite. The details were so intricate, the shadowing from the carving was precise and exact ... It was perfection. No description I give can do the piece the justice it deserves. 

Afterward, we enjoyed a huge lunch at Gusto Leo Pizzeria. I don't know why, but I have been extremely hungry since we've been here. Maybe a little more so due to the recent hikes and running. I was thrilled to enjoy my pizza w mozzarella, tomatoes and basil! Yum! The only thing I wasn't prepared for was the size of it. There was enough to share with someone, but Nat loved the spaghetti w clams from this restaurant so she enjoyed that tasty dish. 

Our next stop was to visit the beautiful Duomo. The outside is gorgeous; a sight you can see every day & not grow tired of. The inside, while lovely and sacred, did not live up to our expectations. Still, we were glad we looked inside. The line to get in was the width of the building and half way around the corner when we first walked by. After we did some shopping and checked again, it was considerably shorter and that was our motivation to go inside & have a look. 

Onward! The next venue we stopped at  was H&M! Yes, H&M :: in Italy! Nat needed to exchange some rings she had bought two days ago, but found them to be too large, and I just wanted to see what Italy's H&M had. I bought 3 items, one of which was on sale, another that was a major necessity and the last just because. Yay!  We continued with our shopping for a short while, making sure we purchased the souvenirs we wanted for our family & friends, then went back to the hotel to pack & get organized for tomorrow's departure. After I finished, I went to the hotel's gym and did a quick total body workout :: I just felt the need to since it rained and I wasn't able to go for a second run. 

Lastly, we went to dinner. We dined at a restaurant we found while venturing off the beaten path and down a (safe) side road the other night. The menu seemed appealing & so we decided there was where we would enjoy out last meal in Florence. 

The bottle of water was pretty fancy, if you ask us. Lol.

The night ended with a walk back through the shopping areas, most of which were closed as it was after 10, with the exception of the gelaterrias, and through the piazza where we overheard an orchestra playing. Seeing as Nat is a violinist, I thought she'd enjoy listening for a short while, and we both found it enjoyable. There were many people standing & sitting as they listened to the music. That was a pleasant way to end our evening & time here. 

We talked a lot over dinner this evening  :: various topics :: and made amends regarding some silly disagreements we'd had over the duration of our time here. Nothing is ever perfect, nor would I want it to be. In the end, we are sisters and sister-friends who care for, respect and love each other. Through the bumps there were laughs and chats, photos and afternoon coffee breaks in the never ending search for free wifi. I am glad we had this time away and together. Nat is off to Syracuse mid-August, and that'll be here before we know it. We were extremely fortunate to be here in Italy. I surely didn't deserve if.  Natalie definitely did, though. It wasn't as long as originally planned, but it was amazing and enjoyable ... And exhausting. Now, I am praying for a safe return for the both of us. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cinque Terre Trek

Here's one happy 17 year old. ;)

Today we went on a hiking tour through the Cinque Terre, the five little towns that are along the Italian Riviera. 

Once again we booked with the Walkabout Tours Company and were very pleased. Our guides were good natured & knowledgeable.  They led us through scenic trails all through each quaint area.  

The hike took us through the Cinque Terre National Park. The ground was rough at times; steep, as well.  There were no real handrails, nor safety rails ... I actually realized that when I tripped and got my bearings too close to the edge of the walk way. 

We hiked our way from one of the five towns to another. It was a hot, beautiful, sunny day, and we were thrilled when we ended up at a beach! First we got gelato (again!), then made our way to the rocky, pebbly beach. The water was freezing, yet very refreshing after a few moments. The heat was so intense, though, that if you weren't in the water, you really could sit in the sun. Plus, we had to lay on the rocks, which it seemed like everyone did, however, that didnt appeal to me. The rocks were extremely hot & just uncomfortable ... To the tourist, that is. ;)

From one beach we took a train to another area :: Montereosso - the only town's name I can recall. There was a larger beach area, but again it was far too pebbly. Come to think of it, I could have practiced my swimming in these open waters. I just had no real desire to be in the water. They were lovely beaches, though. I looked for a coffee shop, but a coffee shop all on its own is hard to come by, I've found. I came across a bakery that had fried cheese on bread, but that wasn't what my stomach was yearning for, so I skipped out on that. 

From Monterosso, we boarded a boat that took us back to the first area which we had skipped on the way in. We went on one last mini excursion, but it was a scenic one. This last one sucked the life out of us. 

I definitely had a good nap while riding home. We enjoyed our day immensely. I was so tired, though. I didn't even want to walk & find dinner. I was pretty hungry :: VERY hungry :: but I was more exhausted. It was a great day. Success!! Tomorrow :: more museums.  

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Museum Day ... 1

I'm so thankful today was a chillax kind of day. I'm exhausted. We had no concrete plans aside from the tours so we decided to make two of the four days in Florence museum days. 

We visited two museums, the Uffizi being one of them. I can't recall the name of the other. What I can recall is that they required exact change for entry, but I only had large bills. Thankfully, Nat had exact change for herself. I ventured to various shops and pleaded with the owners for change, but none were able to help me out. It finally dawned on me that a newspaper stand might be my best option! Thankfully it was a success. 

Both museums were filled with sculptures and paintings, interpretations, etc. I enjoyed them, I feel slightly educated & cultured, but I have had my fill of museums. I shouldn't say that, though. I am in Italy & these museums are what some people would do anything to come see. I simply wish I had a deeper interest in paintings. 

After the museums, I went on a run :: my second for the day & it was lovely. The weather had finally cooled off around 7:00, so I went out & took advantage of the time we had before dinner and ran on the other side of the river. I had run down one side this morning. As I ran I people watched, said hello to the guard at the American Embassy, found a vendors' market, and enjoyed the beauty and serene atmosphere amidst the Vespas and wreckless drivers. It was much less stressful than running in Rome had been. Tomorrow there will be no running as we have the all day hiking tour. Definitely looking forward to it, but again, I know it will exhaust me. 

Below are three photos ... Although there were no photos allowed at the Uffizi, well anywhere it seems, I followed Natalie's nerve wracking decision and snapped a photo of Zeus' head. (No photos allowed) Thankfully, we weren't caught and removed from the Uffizi. 

The second & third are views from the museum. Lovely, aren't they??

Monday, July 15, 2013

Tuscany Walking Tour

I'm usually not one for tours. My thinking is :: I don't enjoy having to be on someone else's schedule. It turned out that this tour was excellent. I believe it was my first one, and I'm excited for the hiking tour we have planned in a few days. It actually takes the thinking & planning off our hands and keeps us busy for the whole day. We had an excellent guide & all that we saw was magnificent. 

The tour took us to three stops :: Siena, where we learned about it's history, saw their Duomo, and got lost finding our tour group; a Chianti Vineyard, where we saw their winery, their grapes and olive trees, their cows and had lunch with wine tasting. Doesn't get much better than that. Next was San Gimignano, where we did all of our gift shopping and got gelato ... well, I did, then took a drive to our last stop, Pisa, via a scenic country side drive (which I slept through). We climbed the tower all the way to the top and got a great look at the neighboring towns, the mountains, everything. The lean is a real thing. You can feel the slope the moment you walk inside. 

During our ride back to Florence I did some more sleeping, as it isn't coming easily at night. Therefore, right now, I have a headache and am writing as Iay in bed. We did go out to dinner & walked to a piazza where there was some live music playing. We decided to people watch for a bit before returning to our hotel. Now, we'll rest & regroup before tomorrow's adventures. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

True Love is Possible ...

I will do just this ... 

Florence, Italy

Good bye, Rome; Hello, Florence! After a brief discussion, it seems Natalie & I differ as to which area appeals to each of us. I like the hustle and bustle of Rome, the city atmosphere; Nat prefers this quieter, calmer, lay low environment. I think it's a matter of how & where we grew up. I'm a city girl, and she's grown up in the suburbs. 

A short train ride brought us from Rome to here & now we will take in all that Florence has to offer. (Well, as much as we can for the next four days.) So far we mapped out our game plan, went to dinner (I had minestrone soup!) in this well hidden restaurant, and now are enjoying gelato! I even had mine on a small waffle! Yum! I will regret it later! 

There are lots of little 'squares' around filled with restaurants, shopping, and tons of people. I'm actually surprised, I don't know why, that there are so many English speaking people around. I'm not sure if they are all American, but I hear much more English spoken around here than I did in Rome. 

We happened to walk right into the Duomo & it is simply amazing. You can't help but stare in awe. It's beautifully made, the details are impeccable & I will never forget that sight. 

Four days to go ... Hopefully they will be wonderful.