Sunday, July 28, 2013

Celebrating Mom!

This Friday, August 2nd, my mother will celebrate her 60th birthday. She doesn't look a day over ... Well, you decide that one. :) 

My sisters and I began planning this 'surprise' party for her back in the winter months, I believe, but of course all the planning and preparing was not completed until an hour before the party began. 

After many trips to BJ's and Party City, we were finally prepared for the day's festivities! 

My sisters did a fantastic job of decorating the house and setting up the picnic area. 

Everyone enjoyed themselves, most of all the birthday girl. She wasn't as surprised as we had hoped, but the surprise was well kept till the last moments. We did the best we could. 

The family had a wonderful time celebrating Mom.  It was evident, in case she didn't already know it, that she is loved very much. She has a good heart & stands firm in the things she believes in. 

I hope she enjoyed her party as much as everyone who was there did. Some family & friends were unable to join us, and while they were missed, they were there in spirit. 

We thank God for our mother. She does love us all very much even though we all bump heads at one time or another. She's been a great help & inspiration to us in ways she may not even realize. We are blessed & we hope & pray that she is blessed with many more exciting & happy years with us.

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