Wednesday, July 24, 2013

One Day at a Time

There are times when I'm not exactly sure what to say. There are other times when I can't stop talking. When my heart is hurting, I often can't find the words to express what I'm dealing with. I much prefer to simply be alone, stay quiet and cry instead of talk. 

I'm definitely in a place where talking is not coming as easily as it normally would. I seem to have hit the familiar wall(s) of disappointment, hurt, broken, broken heart & trust. I really don't understand why this continues to happen, but I need to feel my feelings, pray, surround myself & talk with supportive people, take care of myself and continue to work on making myself my best self. I can only change me & pray for & encourage others. 

I don't enjoy, at all, being in this place where I am hurting. No one does. Nor do I enjoy being so transparent about my feelings. Of course when I'm elated I want to shout it from the rooftops. That's natural. 

The best thing I can do right now is not isolate myself & try to do what makes me happy. This period of being off couldn't have come at a worse time ... But, I'm going to try to stay positive & do the best I can.  That's all I can do. I have a lot to think through and get over. In time & w God's help.

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