Friday, February 28, 2014

One Week Later

Every day is better than the last, Thank God. 

One week ago I was coming out of anesthesia, today I am (slowly) walking up and down the hall of my apartment building. It is good to keep the blood flowing, and I know sitting for long periods of time isn't the best thing for anyone. For me, sitting for 10 minutes is too long. These days I sit for 45 minutes at a time and then walk for 5. 

I feel pretty good, although I tire easily. I miss being outside and among people, but that's okay. I have always enjoyed my quiet time. Maybe I simply got used to it over the years. I just wish I could be putting it to better use. Resting is the best 'use' of my time right now, though. I have to understand that. 

Last night I slept pretty well. I haven't  slept the whole night through yet. Moving from side to side wakes me up, and I suppose I am conscious of it even in my sleep. Plus the sensation / pain / discomfort of 'pulling' at the stiches, incision or my insides, wakes me up as well. In time, this will all be a memory. 

My parents came by to visit yesterday. I felt badly because there was no real 'action' going on, but I'm certain they were glad to see me in 'real life.' My mom and I measured my scar (it's 5 1/2 inches long) and looked at my puffiness. I hate them both, but they are par for the course. So is the numbness of the area surrounding the incision. These are things that, hopefully, will go away in time, but no time soon. 

After they left, I did my usual walk a few times and called it a night by 11. I'm scheduled to attend a dinner this evening, but am not sure I will be up for it. Truth be told, sitting somewhere doesn't require much energy, but just the having to be 'on' will exhaust me. But being out of the house, for even a few hours would be nice. I haven't decided yet. 

I've been walking up and down the hallway since I began this post, so now I will go back inside ... And sit. I have papers to grade, and some other work to tend to, so perhaps I will do that ... Then walk again. Maybe. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Recovery -- Day 5

I clearly think it is week 5, and not day 5, as I attempt to do anything and everything within my reach. I have to try harder to just rest. 

Sitting for periods of time can only last so long ... I hate to admit it, but I'm growing restless. Growing restless leads me to walk around the apartment 6x an hour for as many hours as I'm awake. However, I may have pushed myself too much today and ended up immobilized for a few virus at a time. 

I'm 90% off the medication. The Percocet was NOT for me, as it caused me to vomit a few times. That was terribly painful. Motrin has started to cause my belly some discomfort, therefore I am trying to go sans medicine for as long as I can. Today's pain was just too much, though. After doing a few 'normal' things I was wiped and hurt a lot. I finally gave in  and took Motrin. No sense in suffering, although it seems that one way or another I will be. 

Every day is a little better and today I enjoyed a few minutes of fresh air, sunshine and walking. 

Maybe it was just too soon, though. Let's see what tomorrow holds. 

I have spent a good deal of time reading up on healing and other people's processes. It's both encouraging and scary. 

I miss my work friends but haven't had my mom come help me yet. I figure the driving can be a lot, and really, for the most part, I haven't been alone. I've had help when I could get it and a visitor here or there. That's been sweet. This time off is actually allowing me to a spend an extra few hours a day with my sweetie. 

Hopefully today taught me to just rest ... The walking will come, as well as, the blowing out of my hair. It's not worth the discomfort I have afterwards. For now, I have to try take care of me. 

Monday, February 24, 2014

A New Year!

We are now two months into 2014 and I suppose I have been so busy that I haven't had time to write. I don't know how true that is, but there has, indeed, been a lot going on.

Earlier in the year I went to the doctor for stomach pain. I figured it was stress, even though he sent me for a battery of tests, and as I thought, it was stress. Between work and life, I have had decisions to make, situations to deal with and handle and sometimes it all becomes too much. However, we have to not lean on ourselves and lean on God more. That's something I find I'm not doing enough of. 

Thankfully my family and friends are all well! My cousin and a friend both had beautiful baby boys the other day! Yay for them! More babies to love! It's amazing how life is happening all around me. All good things! 

Just one month ago my cousin, Alex, and I ran a half-marathon. Running is one of my favorite things to do, and completing this race with my cousin was a great experience! It was her first time in Central Park and my first race since November. I loved it. 

That same day I showered my beautiful friend, Marlene, with happiness at her baby shower! Lots of fun in one day!! 

A few weeks ago we celebrated Justyn's 14th birthday. I can't believe how big he is and what a great kid he is growing up to be. Of course he has the 'typical' teenager tendencies, but overall, he is a good kid who loves his family & basketball. 

We got Nat in on the fun, as well.

In my own life, I'm working at my relationship, working on myself, and have to work hardest on my relationship with God. Everything takes work, determination and time. I'm enjoying myself and my friends, spending time with my loved ones and rediscovering one I knew and loved once before. Together we are trying, growing, praying and taking each day, hug, incident, convo, and laugh, one at a time. 

Just this past weekend I had surgery for a fibroid in my uterus. I'm home recovering now, but the hospital stay wasn't too bad, either. This is me the morning after surgery. 

My family was there and some friends came to visit, as well. I'm glad to be home, and am enjoying the quiet. I miss having people around, miss my work friends and the kids, but quiet is good and at times, necessary. Today was a rough one, but I feel good now, thankfully. This is what my mom does when I'm taking a post-surgery nap::

These are things I have to laugh at and appreciate. 

In the days to come, I have lots of time to recover, recuperate and heal. I also have time to read my Bible, get my report cards done and move around when I can. I hope these next 3-4 weeks are sweet, restful and happy. I will be eager to get back to my 'regular life.'