Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Year ... In Photos

It's said a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe that is why I enjoy taking, and being in, them so much. Everyone who knows me says I love pictures, and it's true. A picture is part of a memory, and who doesn't love making and holding on to new memories? I certainly do.

Over the course of this year, I have taken over 600 photos. That number doesn't include the many that were deleted along the way. For this 'end of the year' post, I carefully thought about which photos I wanted to include, and why. Each picture tells a story, each one is it's own special memory for me to hold on to.

It truly has been an eventful year. For as many amazing moments I experienced, my life has been well-balanced with just as many difficult ones. I almost wish I had written about everything that impacted my life along the course of the year, however time simply didn't allow me to compose posts the way I would have liked to. Interestingly enough, I don't have many, if any, photos that speak for the lows, but as with anything, a photo of a certain place or friend can bring back a memory that I would just as well choose to forget.

For as many pictures as I selected for each collage, there were many I didn't choose, and there was no rhyme or reason to the ones that didn't 'make the cut.'

The collages have their own themes and if you know me well enough, the theme can be identified. If it can't be, give it your own clever title.

2012, and all the experiences that came with it, is a year I won't soon forget. I will fondly look back at my posts, as well as these photos, and know what each one means, or meant, to me.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

'Forever Friends'

"'Forever friend.' That's what I should have written in your card," Sue decided during our dinner conversation. At that very moment we had been discussing friendships and the toll her being away in Canada the past year and a half had taken, or not, on some of hers.

That's happened to me and a few of my friends whom I was close with for a moment in time. Some moved upstate, others out of state, and we while we vowed to keep in touch and visit, the demands of life took over & the friendships took a backseat. A sad truth, but simply put: life happens.

In the case of my friendship with Sue, life has definitely happened. It's taken her to college and back, and even back then, we kept in touch via email and letters. Along the years since then, Sue has been fortunate enough to teach English in Japan, travel to Africa, be a bridesmaid in Europe, got married and moved to Canada - and we've always stayed in touch. As I reflect on her travels, I realize what an inspiration she has always been. Through all these experiences, our friendship hasn't faltered. I see how it could have, though. A friendship, like any relationship, requires work, effort, care and genuine love. I would venture to say that we have all the necessary ingredients to maintain 'the perfect' friendship; the only downfall is distance. We work at our friendship, though, not out of obligation, but out of genuine love. As it was stated last night, we consider each other more than friends. We're family; sisters, even. We feel blessed to have each other.

In 16 years we have shared laughs, tears, road trips, birthdays, deaths of dear family members, births of our precious nephews, moves, marathons, dinners, shopping excursions, more laughs, her wedding to an amazing man, and all that's transpired in between.

I am always thankful to have been blessed with the true friends I have. It is so easy to take people and moments for granted. Sue is not someone to take for granted. I am certain that our friendship is one that will last forever, and I look forward to the memories that are to come. Even though we're a whole country apart, all of life's moments and emotions are still shared as if we were only 30 minutes away. I will always be more thankful for our friendship than I can express with mere words. Sue, my forever friend, my sister from another mother, I love you.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Motivation ...

What keeps us going day after day? In a world/society that day after day is full of stress, negativity, anger and sadness, how do we wake up each morning and start again? What keeps us plugging through?

Is it our jobs? Family? Our future? Our past? What is it that motivates us to keep moving forward day after day after day? Our never ending bills?

Is it the hope of 'today' that someone special will call? Or the prayer that the person causing you the most pain will finally go away? Maybe you're hoping the job opportunity you prayed about would come through?

Is it the excitement of an upcoming event or culmination of another, perhaps? A holiday? Birthday? Wedding? Maybe knowing that someone, or something, is relying on you?

There can be a million reasons why we get up & go each day. There can also be a million reasons to feel like you can't continue for even another step .

At times, I don't know what motivates me.
I just continue going like the energizer bunny until I can't continue any longer. Although, supposedly he never runs out of energy...

I love my family, my job & my friends. In reality, God has been very good to me, and I'm undeserving of it all ... How do I keep going when at times it feels as though the world is ending because of my daily stresses? But, 'therefore by the grace of God go I'... God keeps me going, day in & day out. He strengthens me. Through the happiest of times and the most stressful of times, God is there ... He's never left me, nor forsaken me. I know I don't deserve such love, such guidance, but He's chosen me. Therefore, through it all, I give Him thanks for each situation presented to me - difficult and easy.

There are moments when I don't know what my purpose or plan is here in this life ... And I wonder if God hears my prayers ... It's then that I am reminded that He has a plan and a purpose for my life. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give me a future and a hope. In those days, when I pray, He will listen. If I look for Him wholeheartedly, I will find Him.' Jeremiah 29:11-13.

If I needed any more motivation to 'keep it moving' every day, knowing that God has a plan for my life is more than enough. Sometimes I do wonder what my purpose is, then I am reminded that God's plan will be made clear ... In His time. In the meantime, I have a lot to focus on, motivate me & be thankful for ... The good, bad & the in between.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Giving Back

Today I joined my friend, Rebecca, at a Hurricane Relief effort in Breezy Point, NY. Since the hurricane hit us, I've wanted to help somewhere somehow. Giving money or donations didn't feel like I was doing enough. All this time, I have wanted to physically help; I just didn't know where to go, and couldn't find anyone to accompany me. When I heard about this relief effort, I didn't hesitate to join them.

My usually shy self had to get over being quiet, and had to get to know these people that I would be working with for the day. I'm glad I did, as they were great to meet. It was evident that they were interested in helping the families we went to, and they were also easy to get along with. Through the cleaning out of basements and scraping of floors, we had a few laughs and even more group efforts. We quickly became a good and effective team and worked on two homes while in Breezy Point.

At the first house, we gutted the basement. The insulation was still pretty wet which made it heavier than normal. The basement smelled of rust and mold, and was damp and muddy. Pulling things out was definitely a group effort, and we worked very well together. I thought it would never get done, but it did.

The second house we worked at needed the cork to be scraped off the floor. With a scraper and a hammer, we went at it. Some guys had crowbars, some were sweeping up the debris as it came off, and all in all, it wasn't an easy task. The cork seemed to be glued to the floor, and the floor was so damp underneath it. Tirelessly, we hammered and scraped away and got it all off! By the time we finished that floor, we were physically feeling the effects of our efforts. While working in this second home, and while walking along the way, we took note of how high the water had risen from markings left along the walls in, and on, the homes. Truly unbelievable.

I was definitely taken aback by the devastation in Breezy Point. The news reports weren't exaggerated in any way. My heart broke at how people's whole lives were changed, affected, even taken away. For someone like me who lost power for 9 days, I'm certainly glad I didn't even think of complaining about my small inconvenience, as it was just that; an inconvenience. Seeing children help their families carry garbage bags down the road in their wagons really broke my heart. I can't imagine what they're thinking or feeling. Obviously no one is living in these houses, and they are all just labeled with signs that say 'inspected' or 'dangerous.' It's sad. And that word doesn't do it justice. To see the residents of the area waking around, just uncertain of anything really, broke my heart.

The images of the area, faces, and the work I helped with today will forever be on my mind and in my heart. I won't soon forget how blessed I am, nor will I forget to pray for those who were affected. There is still so much more to be done there, and I suppose it's going to take a good amount of time to get things finished.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Soon to be 36 ...

I can't exactly say what I was thinking when I was 'soon to be 35'. I'm sure I was doing much of what I have been this week ... Planning the festivities for my upcoming celebrations. Actually, I was doing just that.

I remember my birthday last year ... I sat in a friend's classroom and said, '35 is going to be a big year for me; God willing.' In some ways, it was a positive year; in other ways, a destructive one. I suppose the term 'big' can be relative.

Buying my first apartment is a pretty big step in the grand scheme of life ... It's a 'grown up' step, as a few friends told me.

Dealing with, and healing from, yet another major heartache is also pretty big. Nearly a year of heartache has been healed in ... 3 months. That's God. I am starting to feel like myself again, and I don't want to lose this feeling ... Ever again.

I set a new personal record in my marathon running & qualified for the 2014 Boston Marathon: no small feat.

Earlier this year, I lost my beloved grandmother ... A huge event that I will never completely heal from.

In one year, I have endured some life changing events; none of which I imagined when I said 35 was going to be 'a big year'. When compared to many other people's lives, it's not that bad at all, nor am I complaining about what life has thrown my way. I know I'm very blessed & I have much to be thankful for.

For one more year, God has kept me every day. I have an amazing family & my friends are my extended family. My job isn't easy by any means of the word, but it's an excellent one & I have the opportunity to mold little people every day.

When I'm going through it, feeling frustrated or sad & trying to figure out the whys of certain things, I remind myself that God must have something greater planned for me.

And now, with a week and a few days until my 36th birthday, I'm going to continue counting my blessings and becoming more of who I used to be; hopefully with some improvements. I was lost for a short while .... Glad to be getting back to 'me'.

Let's see what 36 brings ... Or what God puts in my path for my 36th year.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

ING NYC Marathon 2012

I feel torn about something that I love so much. I suppose if I didn't love it, I wouldn't have an opinion one way or the other.

My city just suffered a devastation that I pray it never sees again. The destruction, loss of homes, lives, power; it's all too much to take in while listening to or watching the news reports. I can't even begin to imagine what any of the people whose lives were affected are feeling. I know I pray for them and I've stopped complaining about my own 'woes' because in reality, my problems are nothing in comparison to theirs.

As the week has progressed I, like many other people, have wondered what the status of the marathon would be. I also wondered what the status of my work situation would be. Two very different events, but almost the same idea.

Given everything that's happened as a result of Hurricane Sandy, I had resolved with myself that if marathon was cancelled, I wouldn't be disappointed. I would completely understand, actually. How could I not? Given all the important decisions that are made on a daily basis, I believed that the Mayor, along with the NYRR administration, would make the best decision for the race and city. Truthfully, I can not say how I feel about their decision to keep the marathon on. I think to myself, 'I hope they aren't taking water from people who truly need it,' and I also wonder if I will completely lose it when I arrive in Staten Island seeing all the destruction there.

Is going forward with this marathon fair, right, wrong, thoughtless, inspiring, etc.? I don't know. I feel terrible that there has been so much controversy over it. Reading all the negative reports and commentary has dampened the mood a bit. The excitement, for me, has slightly been taken away for reasons separate from the recent catastrophe. But add to that all the commentary, and it just doesn't hold the same excitement as it normally would.

I love the NYC Marathon, and always will, because it's a huge part my city and my life. Will I love it this year? I hope to. It's disappointing that I feel scared to run because I'm afraid of protesters. Sounds silly, but people are very headstrong about their beliefs. I feel emotional about it for every reason one can think of. All I can say is right now I'm trusting the decision made by our leader. Either way, I would have supported it.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Walk Down Memory Lane

My time in DC was short, but very sweet. What was supposed to be a long weekend for the Marine Corps Marathon with some sightseeing and such, turned out to be a much shorter weekend due to Hurricane Sandy, with a bit of reminiscing in what was once a favorite neighborhood of mine with a special friend.

If you're reading this and you know my DC history/story, then you know why it's a very special place for me. What I will say publicly is I have no regrets of my time and emotions spent there. Everything happens for a reason. As I grow older, I believe that more and more.

When I registered for this marathon back in April, I had no intention of seeing my old friend, nor of even stepping foot into the old neighborhood. The plan was to stay with someone else, somewhere else, but life circumstances changed all that. Perhaps God had more of a hand in changing it than just 'life circumstances.' Regardless, I'm glad it worked out the way it did. Night before the marathon is stressful all in its own right. This particular night before the marathon was probably one of the best I've ever had.

In retrospect, I definitely stayed up much later than is suggested. However, I'm often too wound up to get to sleep early, and I was in DC. There was no way I could rest without spending some time out and about.
And we did just that ... Out of the apartment and into Adam's Morgan is how the night was spent. I rode the Metro for the first time this weekend, which was great, and we enjoyed Sushi for my pre-race dinner. After we finished eating, laughing and being silly, we headed into the old neighborhood. As soon as I was able to get my bearings, a flood of memories and emotions completely took over me. Now that I think of it, I'm sure I looked as though I was walking around in a daze. I was taking it all in, though. The memories, stores, restaurants, places and faces that at one point in time were like a second home to me. It all became familiar once again and gave a strong tug at my heart. I definitely held back tears along the walk. It was all so beautiful and filled me filled with emotions; happy, sad, funny, excited, anxious, etc. I was elated to be in a place that had once made me smile to no end, and see all the beautiful architecture of an area that I loved while I was there. Simply put, it was the best Saturday night I have had in a very long time.

Time spent with my friend was much sweeter than expected. After not seeing someone for four years, it can go one of two ways: it can seem strained and uncomfortable, or you can spend some time catching up and pick up like you just saw each other a week ago. After some time well spent catching up, we seemed to pick up where we left off, meaning we laughed a lot, joked and poked fun here and there, had some serious talks, but nothing stressful, and simply enjoyed each other's company. At least I did. I suppose I shouldn't speak for other people. Again, I must reiterate that I am glad the weekend turned out the way it did. Even if the happiness & fun times were momentary, it was well deserved and I wouldn't change a thing of the way it all played out.

I think it's accurate to say DC will forever hold a special place in my heart. I'm thankful for all that I experienced while I spent time there, the good as well as the bad, because you can't have one without the other, and we have to learn and grow from each experience life sends our way. I'm particularly thankful for my friend. I thank God for his life & for bringing us into each other's lives. I have truly been blessed with beautiful people along my life, and I will forever be thankful to God.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Marine Corps Marathon

Marathon #6 is behind me, thank God. Without His strength, I could not have gotten through it.

What a weekend it has been! With hurricane Sandy approaching, everyone has been up in arms about everything. For a moment, I actually wondered if the marathon was going to be canceled. Thankfully it wasn't, and we completed the run, as planned!

This was not an easy run by any means. Not sure why. I suppose no marathon is easy, correct? 26.2 miles of running, which equates to four plus hours of running for most people, is mentally challenging and physically defeating. After about a month or two of running the long runs with Leon, we decided we would run the marathon together. I wouldn't have thought to do otherwise. We helped each other through most of the long runs, and we ran well together, so I didn't think we would run marathon separately, nor did I want to. Having a partner/friend to run with helps immensely.

Leon and I ran well for the first twenty miles. There were some moments along the course that we needed to slow down or stop and get water, regroup, etc. We definitely helped each other through some walls, we had the usual laughs along the way, and conversations about this or that, but at mile 21 we separated. Leon was having a hard time and discomfort because of his sneakers, and I was having my own hard time due to blisters on my toes, and the stopping and starting up again. We decided it was best to separate so we could each get through the remainder of the marathon as each of us needed to. Leon did some walking and running until the end to compensate for the pain he was feeling, and I just ran as quickly as my body would take me, which wasn't too quickly, by the way. After mile 19, I got no more water, and just continued along the way. Stopping and starting became too painful, therefore I knew I had to keep moving. I did make one last stop before the finish line, though ... There was a food stop that had Dunkin' Donuts munchkins! I forgot to mention that in a fit, I threw my coveted snack pack away at mile 2. Really? Really! So, anywhere I found a food stop along the course that had something I would enjoy, I certainly made a quick stop for something! I am a hungry runner!

All in all, I loved this race. I have a particular love for DC, so that in itself made this run very special to me. I also love destination marathons. They give me a reason to take a short road trip, get out of town and visit a new city for a few days, if nothing else. The memories of this marathon & weekend will be fresh for a long time to come.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Project Moving :: Completed!

To say the last two and a half months have been 'easy' would be completely untrue.

Combine the beginning of the school year with marathon training; then throw in buying a co-op just for extra fun and you have a person who almost kept it together to the end. Days and weeks of endless emails to and from my mortgage broker and lawyer, dodging calls from my former landlord, and regular every day incidents never seemed to end, and kept me quite stressed out. Thankfully, many friends and family were by my side to see/hear me through the entire ordeal. That was such a help and I won't soon forget it.

From closing day to moving weekend/day, there was no stopping me. I closed, shopped, packed, packed, packed, moved things, returned things, let my mom handle moving day, and pretty much did everything in reverse order after that. The help I received with packing, purging, moving, and even the occasional melt down was truly amazing.

Now, the task is to get the remaining boxes unpacked and out of my apartment. It's coming along, one box at a time. I have NOTHING hung on the walls yet, and I'm not happy about that. However, in time my apartment will come together and it will feel like home. Pictures of the progress will be posted here and there. The ones below are just a beginning of what I hope will become a beautiful 'Jess' apartment. The wallpaper in the kitchen HAS to go, but will stay for now. Money is necessary for such 'fun' projects.

If I could put a word to the feeling I have right now, it would be blessed. God is way too good to me. I'm not exactly sure why, but I do thank Him.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Cosi with Kristi

It's been WAY too long since Kristi and I have caught up, just us girls. Between vacations and life, we've just been busy. Earlier in the week we made plans to get together and catch up in real life, as opposed to text or email where so much is lost because of lack of expression or intonation, etc., and it's simply not as personal as getting together can be.

We met at Cosi, in New Rochelle, and just talked about EVERYTHING. I'm surprised neither of us cried. The tears would've been happy, as well as just a release, but there were none, and that's okay. There was real talk, pure honesty, and a sense of love and support. God has truly blessed me with amazing people in my life that I can call true friends.

Kristi sometimes treats me with goodies from her job. Today she gave me a NEAT coffee travel mug, as she knows I LOVE my morning coffee. I was SO excited to open the box! The mug has a caricature of two girls, one blond, one brunette, having coffee. SO CUTE! The thoughtful surprise made my night.

We had such a good time, and realized we don't see enough of each other, that we're planning on hanging out again next weekend ... But before that, we'll get to the Yankee game on Monday!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Family Day at the Bronx Zoo

Since we all had the day off (for the Jewish holiday) there were plans made to head to the Bronx Zoo. Well, my sister made the plans with Fatima; I just happened to send Marisel a 'what's going on with you?' text at the right time. After I finished at a morning appointment, I made my way to the zoo & found everyone. I was pleasantly surprised to see Fatima and Sonya there, as well.

The zoo covers so many acres, it's nearly impossible to see everything in one day. Admission on Wednesdays is free, so it's extra crowded there. Sifting through groups of people coupled with a good deal of walking will have anyone exhausted come the end of the day.

We spent about 4 hours there and were able to see many animals and exhibits. The kids seemed to enjoy themselves. There were squeals, laughs, running off, and smiles! I loved being able to join in this impromptu get together!!

Family time is so important. With them being so far, we don't get so hang out as much as I would like to. I love them more than I could ever put into words.


Hopefully so!!
This has been in the works for two - three months now, and while my patience is wearing thin and my stress levels high, I'm trying to remain prayerful through it all.

Let's see what a few weeks will bring. Hopefully a happy update on this topic! :)

As for right now, I'm trying to deal w the boxes taking up a big amount of space in my little apartment.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Apple Picking 2012

This year we took our apple picking trip to Stewart's Farm in Yorktown Heights. In years past we've gone further up the line, past Woodbury Commons, and although that farm had some more activities with which to entertain the children, we appreciated the shorter drive.

We started our day in the bakery and got delicious (but so bad) apple cider donuts, pumpkin muffins and popcorn. Y U M!

After that, it was off to the orchards to pick, pick, pick the apples. We wound up doing more talking and picture taking than apple picking, but thankfully Uncle Joe was on the job! Justyn was throwing apples, Sammy was trying to find good apples, titi was taking pictures and the rest of us were not focused at all. Ha!!

We had a wonderful time. The weather was fair, but the cool autumn air kicked in as the day got later, and being on our feet got to us by the end of the day.

Next adventure -- pumpkin picking ... But that's in a month!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Catching Up!

Life has been busy since school started! Life right now includes work, marathon training, and possibly moving. What should be first on that list is being at church, but I'm trying to get back to that. I definitely want to.

Work is going well, so far. The kids are adorable and I'm looking forward to watching them grow, both literally and academically, over the next ten months. I'm already exhausted, but that's to be expected with the schedule I'm keeping.

My mom moved to a new house, and packing was the longest job to get through. Of course, I was only there three times, but they were three intense days of packing. Thankfully, it was all finished by the time of the closing ... Literally.

Natalie celebrated her 17th birthday, and I'm hoping to write a post solely on that sooner than later. I loved celebrating with her and our family. She really is a very special person in my life. Both of my sister are.

Marathon training is definitely draining me, and everyone else who is training, but it's part of the game. These are the weeks where mileage is up and rest is low. However, rest is SO important. My bed time has become 9:00 p.m. When wake-up is at 5:00 a.m. (or earlier), I'm drained by the end of the day. Who am I kidding? I'm drained by 11:00 a.m.

In between all of these things, I'm trying to get myself back to church, and back to the things that used to be important to me, like developing a relationship with God, and spending more time with my family and friends. AND blogging.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Summer Vacation, Week 2

This week consisted different kinds of working out (more strength training and calisthenics) along with marathon training. Besides that, nothing too substantial. That almost sounds terribly boring, which I suppose it was at times, but I had fun w my workouts and running.

My stress level is at an all time low, although I've been fighting a headache for about 3 days now. There is something big going on, but until it's definite, we'll simply call it 'something big.' We shall see what God has for me.

Tomorrow I'm heading for the Delaware Water Gap w my uncle, his family and friends for a rafting excursion! I'm pretty excited, to be honest, at the thought of doing something different! I don't spend much time w my uncle and his family, so this is actually going to be special. I'm not looking forward to the early morning and long drive, but the company will be amazing, and it's bound to be a lasting memory. I'm hoping the water won't be freezing, and that our canoe doesn't tip over, but I'm prepared for what the experience brings! I'm just looking forward to the day. I'll give an update after the day is done.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012, Week 1

This time last year, being off with nothing specific to do felt awkward and stressful. I'm not used to having a free schedule. Thankfully, Natalie came and stayed with me for a few days and not only did my days have purpose again, she and I were able to spend time together.

This summer, since camp has finished, I truthfully have felt nothing except relief. My first 6 weeks of summer were busy, stressful and exhausting. Ever since camp ended, well,these past 5 days, I have felt significantly less stressed and have honestly enjoyed each day. Most days I've had nothing to do except work out, run and clean the apartment. When I stop to think about it, that's not a bad gig. However, that kind of living can only last so long, and eventually I will grow bored of it. Thankfully, work will begin in about 3 weeks. I am hoping to have everything here in order by then.

I have to say, my first week off ended on a few high notes. Natalie got a job, I spent a good amount of time w someone I care for, and apartment searching may soon be over. God is good ... Even when I'm less than great.

Let's see what the next three and a half weeks hold ... I'm praying for all good things, but I pray no matter what, I hope God will be with me.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Iron Girl, Kristi Stewart

Our girl got it done!! Not only did Kristi complete her triathlon, but she did so in under 2:30, which was her goal!! We were so happy to cheer Kristi on along the race route at transition areas, and even happier when we found out her finish time: 2:29:02! Finishing, alone, is respectable and admirable! Doing so under your predicted time is amazing!

The weather was iffy for a while. We weren't sure if we were going to get poured on, if Kristi's bike route would become slick during her ride, etc. Thankfully, the STORM held up till our ride back. It was WILD, though. Between the traffic and the rain, I'm not sure which was worse. Thankfully, we had a mostly comedic bunch in the car, and that helped it to be an enjoyable drive.

Kristi's accomplishment is one (of many) that I admire about her. I can't say I will ever complete a tri, however, her training and dedication have motivated me to step up my own training. I enjoyed watching her complete each leg of the race with a smile, and I now feel motivated to do the same in races I complete from this point forward. She is my hero. :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Iron Girl Triathlon

Here I am in Cicero, NY, to cheer Kristi on in tomorrow's triathlon. She has diligently been training for months and I'd say she is definitely PREPARED! I know the nerves are kicking in, but hopefully she'll get a good night rest for the morning. I'm so very proud of her.

Our drive up here was over 4 hours (YIKES), but it really wasn't bothersome at all. Conversation was good, and no one seemed to realize that we didn't even listen to music; we just chatted away.

Kristi and I became friends over a year ago ... In reality, not that long ago. However, our friendship is strong and she and I support each other. She is a blessing in my life, and I couldn't be happier to be part of her special day!!

Opportunities like this don't come along that often. Supporting friends and seeing the smiles that come to their faces are what make times like this more worth it than I can express with words. Let's see what fun tomorrow brings ... More triathlon news to come!!

Got Jim?

I've always wanted to have my own 'Got Milk?' advertisement, (yes, honestly) but the opportunity never quite presented itself. A close second was the 'Got Jim?' shirts Hedrick ordered for a select few camp staff members. I must admit, I loved wearing it, and there was much meaning, emotion and respect that went along with it. The kids were so cute to notice that 'Jess is wearing a shirt that isn't like the others today.'

Jim is, by far, the best boss I have ever worked for/with. There is no comparison. Fair, witty, patient, intelligent, caring... Those are just a few of many words I am choosing to describe him. He has been directing the Scarsdale Rec Camp for 36 years, and I've been working with/for him for 16. While they haven't been easy years, (simply because of the demands of the job) they have been educational. I've learned not to take every 'bump' at camp so seriously, and I've leaned it's okay to ask for help. I've learned to laugh at myself and with others, and I've learned how to just enjoy the little things that life presents to us daily.

I must say we were a tad bit concerned about his reaction to the shirts, but Jim being Jim, he laughed and even smiled for some photos.

Not sure what next year holds for me at camp, but I do know that the year I say good bye to him will be a very difficult one. For now, I can smile at the memory of each moment we laughed or dealt with a difficult situation together, and smile to myself as I remember him ... Just being him.

Another Camp Season Behind Me

Yesterday was the official end to the Camp Sagamore summer of 2012. After everything was said and done, we had a successful year. Yes, there were glitches and of course bumps, but at the end of the day, everyone was safe and the kids went home smiling.

I wish I had taken part in the festivities of our final day. We had Camp Olympics in the morning, and everyone came in READY TO PLAY!! The odd number groups wore RED and the even number groups wore BLUE. The children participated in relay races and obstacles that were coordinated (mostly) by our sports staff. It was truly an exciting sight to witness. After lunch pool, some weepiness and poor behavior, the day ended with an awesome DJ and emcee. The kids danced, sang and seemed to forget about the heat, and silly drama, for a short while. I spent most of the day cleaning up and preparing for our final day (sans kids) on Monday. Thankfully, most of our belongings were already taken. Hopefully, Monday will go smoothly and we can be dismissed by noon. *Fingers crossed!*

This summer at camp had its higher and lows, just like anything else. I don't regret one moment, and feel like I did the best I could. Yes, of course even I have things I can improve upon if I had the chance to do it over, but I think I will take it all in and relive each pleasant memory. I'll also take these next few weeks to just enjoy what's left of my summer however I can.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sick in July?

Who would have guessed I would get sick in the summer? Definitely not me. Normally, I get sick twice a year, and usually those two times are during the school year. What I've been feeling the past twenty four hours has been torture.

I went out to dinner last night, and was fine. But, maybe two hours after finishing, my stomach began to ache something awful. I assumed it was from the food and tried to sleep it off. I spent most of the night up with discomfort which made for a very tired day. The nausea did not subside until about 2:30 p.m. Long time to feel so ill. I struggled through my day, and at the gym, as well. I decided soup and bread were on the dinner menu for tonight. I feel a touch better right now, but more drained than usual. Maybe I am feeling the effects of the rEdiculous turkey leg I ate after the Rebel Race. Someone told me it takes 48 hours for food poisoning to set in. Maybe that's what the problem is ... Imagine??? Hopefully, by the morning, I will feel better. :)

Photo :: my cup o soup

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Camp Outings

After a long day, who doesn't love some time out with friends to 'review' the events, share some laughs, and maybe even vent a little? The camp crew sure does like to do just that, and throw a few back, as well. When I make my (rare) appearance at an outing, I'm usually just hanging, not drinking. One day we went to Piper's Kilt, in Eastchester, the next week we ended up at a Mexican restaurant in Bronxville, (can't remember the name), and last week everyone went bowling, but I was too tired to attend. This week, however, was a different story!

This past Friday, a number of camp 'administrative staff' got together (again) for bowling at White Plains Bowl, and this time I eagerly joined them. We got a late start, but had a great time. Whomever added the names to the board made up some good ones. I can't remember mine, but it was funny! My first game was definitely better than my second, but it didn't matter. It was all about the camaraderie after a long three weeks of camp. With two more to go, I can only imagine where our outings will take us.

Photo:: The Ladies

Camp Carnival 2012

Another camp season, another carnival. This year's was MUCH more organized and enjoyable than last year's. There are no words for what went on last year. I may have actually blogged about it. I have to check.

The carnival happened to fall on what what the HOTTEST day of the year. It was so hot & humid, parents were picking their children up before noon to keep them at the pool for the day. Thankfully, it cooled down considerably by the time the carnival began.

Seeing the campers with their families was a precious sight. They were so excited to see their counselors. I loved it. My job of supervising was rather easy & I was thrilled that my staff was doing their jobs without having to be reminded. I even got to visit with my friend, Jody, and her family. They came to enjoy the carnival, as well.

Although it was a long and hot day, we survived & everyone had FUN. Really, that is what it's all about.

My Dance/Drama people and my administrative staff.

Rebel Race

About 3 months ago, I registered for an endurance event called, Rebel Race, in New Windsor, NY. New Windsor is approximately an hour and a half away, and not fun to drive after completing the obstacles of the event and being in the sun all day. You're just exhausted by then. It wasn't a very challenging race by any means. Yes, there were SOME challenges, but nothing that wasn't doable. From what I heard from other racers, the Spartan Race is much tougher, and honestly that is something I look forward to trying at some point.

The Rebel Race consisted of running (my fave event), different obstacles such as wall climbs (that were so high, I screamed at the top), rollig down a hill (FUN!!), net climbs, crawling through mud under barbed wire, jumping over a small fire, trail running, balancing across a beam, going down a water slide into a pool if muddy water, going through muddy water tunnels, etc. It was enjoyable & exciting at the same time because you never knew what was coming next. The only negative part was having to wait at some obstacles because of overcrowding. When I was finished, I wasn't as exhausted as I expected to be. Instead, I relived all the events I didn't give my all to, and was thankful that I didn't break any body parts as a few racers did. True story.

Me being me, I had NO desire to crawl through the mud. None. Instead, I squat walked through it & missed the barbed wire ... the first time. On the second mud pool, I used the same tactic. By then, I had slid through muddy water and crawled through a mud water tunnel. Staying as clean as I would have liked was out of the question. YUCK. Still, I tried once again to squat walk through the second mud puddle ... This time, I got too close to the wire, my braid got caught and I was STUCK. It was HILARIOUS. A person happened to be right in front of me, and all I could do was yell, 'Please! Help me!' The individual heard my cry, turned around in what seemed like slow motion, saw me and cracked up. That caused me to crack up, and we both just sat there IN THE MUD, that I so desperately tried to avoid, CRACKING UP! He never did get to come and help me. Instead, my hair somehow became uncaught and we moved forward ... Hands and knees this time through the mud. The idea of being embarrassed never crossed my mind. Oh what a sight that must have been!! Interestingly enough, no one got into the mud while all that was transpiring. It was the funniest part of the whole day!

Turns out some other guys from the gym were also doing the race, so we ran into each other when they finished, and talked about our experiences. It is definitely something I'd like to do again.

Pics :: Me, friends, during and after the race, one of the obstacles, friends completing some of the obstacles. (wow, that was a lot!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catch Up!!

Camp has me drained come the end of the day. Who am I kidding? I'm drained by 10:00 in the morning. Having the weight of the camp world on my shoulders is not an easy task. Thankfully, the people I work with & God's grace help to make it a little lighter. That being said, I am very backed up with my writing. Let's get to it right now ...

Fourth of July was one week ago. Camp was closed for the day, and I spent it relaxing. A few wrenches were thrown into that plan, but overall, I rested. Ran in the morning, laid out at Glen Island park in the afternoon, saw Marisel's new residence in the evening and made it back to Mamaroneck for fireworks with Kristi, Leon and their friends at night. While I seemed to be everywhere, I was content at each place.

Can't exactly say what my favorite part of the day was. I was nervous that I wouldn't get to see fireworks and I LOVE fireworks. I wait all year for them! Maybe next year we can all go to Manhattan for Macy's Fireworks Show. It is my favorite. Well, Disney is really my favorite, but Macy's is a close second. Mamaroneck's show was GREAT! Everyone who went, from near and far, to see the show seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. There were SO MANY people there. I never realized how many actually attend. The crowd was controlled, so that was a plus, and time with friends is always welcomed. I guess it was an extra special fourth because I got family, friends AND fireworks in one day.