Thursday, November 1, 2012

ING NYC Marathon 2012

I feel torn about something that I love so much. I suppose if I didn't love it, I wouldn't have an opinion one way or the other.

My city just suffered a devastation that I pray it never sees again. The destruction, loss of homes, lives, power; it's all too much to take in while listening to or watching the news reports. I can't even begin to imagine what any of the people whose lives were affected are feeling. I know I pray for them and I've stopped complaining about my own 'woes' because in reality, my problems are nothing in comparison to theirs.

As the week has progressed I, like many other people, have wondered what the status of the marathon would be. I also wondered what the status of my work situation would be. Two very different events, but almost the same idea.

Given everything that's happened as a result of Hurricane Sandy, I had resolved with myself that if marathon was cancelled, I wouldn't be disappointed. I would completely understand, actually. How could I not? Given all the important decisions that are made on a daily basis, I believed that the Mayor, along with the NYRR administration, would make the best decision for the race and city. Truthfully, I can not say how I feel about their decision to keep the marathon on. I think to myself, 'I hope they aren't taking water from people who truly need it,' and I also wonder if I will completely lose it when I arrive in Staten Island seeing all the destruction there.

Is going forward with this marathon fair, right, wrong, thoughtless, inspiring, etc.? I don't know. I feel terrible that there has been so much controversy over it. Reading all the negative reports and commentary has dampened the mood a bit. The excitement, for me, has slightly been taken away for reasons separate from the recent catastrophe. But add to that all the commentary, and it just doesn't hold the same excitement as it normally would.

I love the NYC Marathon, and always will, because it's a huge part my city and my life. Will I love it this year? I hope to. It's disappointing that I feel scared to run because I'm afraid of protesters. Sounds silly, but people are very headstrong about their beliefs. I feel emotional about it for every reason one can think of. All I can say is right now I'm trusting the decision made by our leader. Either way, I would have supported it.

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