Saturday, August 4, 2012

Got Jim?

I've always wanted to have my own 'Got Milk?' advertisement, (yes, honestly) but the opportunity never quite presented itself. A close second was the 'Got Jim?' shirts Hedrick ordered for a select few camp staff members. I must admit, I loved wearing it, and there was much meaning, emotion and respect that went along with it. The kids were so cute to notice that 'Jess is wearing a shirt that isn't like the others today.'

Jim is, by far, the best boss I have ever worked for/with. There is no comparison. Fair, witty, patient, intelligent, caring... Those are just a few of many words I am choosing to describe him. He has been directing the Scarsdale Rec Camp for 36 years, and I've been working with/for him for 16. While they haven't been easy years, (simply because of the demands of the job) they have been educational. I've learned not to take every 'bump' at camp so seriously, and I've leaned it's okay to ask for help. I've learned to laugh at myself and with others, and I've learned how to just enjoy the little things that life presents to us daily.

I must say we were a tad bit concerned about his reaction to the shirts, but Jim being Jim, he laughed and even smiled for some photos.

Not sure what next year holds for me at camp, but I do know that the year I say good bye to him will be a very difficult one. For now, I can smile at the memory of each moment we laughed or dealt with a difficult situation together, and smile to myself as I remember him ... Just being him.

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