Thursday, July 10, 2008

Camp Sagamore 2008

This blue is close enough to the color of this year's staff shirts. In years past, it's always been GREY. Yuck! At first, I didn't love this year's color, but I've gotten used to it.
We're at the Heathcote Elementary School in Scarsdale, and this was actually the first site I worked at (11 years ago). This is also the school that I worked at with Kimberly!! Yay! Heathcote may wind up being a monumental site for me...I wonder why... ; ) It's actually the perfect place for camp bc instead of walls, the rooms have windows. They are perfect for viewing the field and blacktop (as well as incoming parents). haha. We didn't have nearly the amount of crying or naughty children as yesterday, so I was able to get around for a few pics! HOWEVER, I am not great at getting them on here, as you may have seen in my last post. For now, enjoy these blogs....

1 comment:

Richard said...

I so remember Camp Sagamore. I am so glad that I ended up with that summer job. Otherwise, I never would have met you and I never would have survived my year in NY!! Your friendship saved me! You're the best, Jess!