Thursday, July 10, 2008

Camp Central

Greetings from Camp Sagamore! We are EXTREMELY exhausted working with the 147 4-5 year olds. For the most part, my staff has been great, but by the end of each day, they are beat! I don't blame them~at least we know we're working hard, right? I haven't taken pictures of the kids, and I'm n0t sure if I'm allowed to post them. However, they are ADORABLE, as most 4-5 year-olds are! The sound of these little voices walking past my office brings a big smile to my face. When they fly by screaming, that's a different story. haha...that's when I fly right out after them! "Walk, don't run..." They usually stop, look up at me w/ big eyes, and grab a 'buddy'... We're big on BUDDIES. To be honest, I'm counting the days til the end~my mom can attest to this, as we just discussed it last night. While camp has been very good to me, I think year 12 may be my last...Jody will make sure of that! haha. The pics I'm attaching are from last year, however, the people haven't changed =) As I take more this summer, I'll attach them, as well. 4 more full weeks to go...

1 comment:

JJ said...

hmmmmm. i recognize these people :)