Monday, February 16, 2009

East Coast Girl in a West Coast City

The second half of my first day in San Fran was great! After chatting w/ Abby for a bit, we ventured out & she drove me around town. I got a glimpse of the sights I've read about, which was cool. It's always great to put a 'face to a name.' San Francisco is known for it's hills, yes? Well, my GOODNESS, did we drive down a HILL!! I was completely unprepared for the drop we took, and couldn't contain my surprise! Abby sure did laugh, and it was when we reached the bottom that I remembered exactly WHY I don't love roller coasters ; ) We did drive down the 'crookedest' street~I believe it's called LOMBARD. It was a brick road~just windy, really...I guess when I think of crooked, I think of corners. You definitely can not drive down this road fast, and there are stairs along side for pedestrians.

The architecture is awesome...something I've always noticed & loved since seeing buildings in NY & DC. Some houses look like the brownstones of NY, and others remind me of Spanish style houses from Puerto Rico. The drivers are pretty crazy, much like NY, and the people are kinda New Yorkish, but not sooooo much. They're def California, but 'city type.' All in all, I like it! We drove by some schools, and I wondered if I could do it...could I move out of NY and teach here, or anywhere for that matter? I think we decided I'm a New Yorker for life.

Not quite sure what tomorrow will bring...I'm still researching what I want to do. Abby will be working all day. It's supposed to rain in the morning, so I have to figure it out.... ; )


Richard said...

Sounds awesome, Jess! Just like the movies....huh? I think we did decide several years ago that you are definitely a NY girl. I tried to get you to venture out, if only for a year, to no avail!! =( Enjoy your time there. Relax and have fun!

Richard said...

Oh, by the way, did I tell you that Abby can be a CRAZY driver!! Tell her I said so!! :)

David and Lisa said...

Sounds like you're having a great time already!!! BTW- I won't let you leave NYC to go teach anywhere else (unless I can come!!) Have FUN!!!!