Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Make It Count...

That was the instruction I received before running my last hill during tonight's training run. (We're training for a marathon in October! Yay!) When I run Central Park, Cat Hill is the hardest part for me. Apparently, hill work was tonight's plan of action! Now, if you don't know about the hills of Central Park, let me give you a little background information on them... Central Park is known for it's 'rolling hills.' The Harlem Hill is LONG but has a steady incline. The rest of the hills are simply rolling hills...each one is challenging, but w/ practice it feels easier every time! Notice I said 'feels' easier...doesn't mean 'is' easier. However, if you are running in the park, it's clear that you are accepting the challenge. Now, Cat Hill (which has a statute of a cat ready to pounce at the top) defeats me EVERY TIME. This hill is not nearly as long as the Harlem Hill, but it feels much steeper & therefore is terribly difficult for me to get up w/o huffing and puffing, and then walking at the top. That's defeat for me.
Today, after a 4 mile warm-up, we challenged the hill w/ 5 repeat runs up & down it. The goal was to run as fast as I could up it and take long, quick strides back down. Okay, the first 3 times up were hard! I felt ILL when I'd reached the top, my breathing was too quick and I just wanted to quit each time I finished the uphill part. The ice cream vendor looked better and better each time I got there! haha. Downhill was 'a breeze' though...I LOVE downhills! The speed I am able to pickup keeps me motivated. The 4th time up, I felt GREAT! Seemed like I'd finally found my groove! Then, we were up to the last one... I was given my directions on how to stay strong, breathe properly, not stop @ the top, but slow down if I had to, and MAKE IT COUNT! Well, we definitely started out nice and strong, but then mind took over matter and I fell behind... I couldn't go as fast as I had just before and that was that... I didn't stop, as I was advised not to, but ran a bit slower than I would have liked... All in all, though, it was a GREAT workout! I have to conquer Cat Hill eventually. Thanks, Binu!! Good run, good times!
Back to the Make It Count comment... I think we should apply that to everything that is important in our lives..whatever we do, try do it to the best of our abilities & desires, and always MAKE IT COUNT.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I think you should tell BPS about the whole idea of Make It Count...he loves new mottos and slogans. J/K...I'm not making fun...you should make it a poster and put it up in your classroom...or on the fridge at home...