Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Run-Down Runner Girl

These last few whirlwind weeks have finally caught up with me and just ran me down. It's day two of being out of work & super ill, and day six of being sick. I developed the worst upper respiratory infection that I have ever had. Can we say miserable? My sinus area felt like it was the size of my head by the time Saturday night, Sunday morning rolled around. Goodness. Saturday's training run was insanely difficult as I fought through nausea, coughing, breathing difficulties, as who knows what else. But, I plugged through, and survived. That isn't new, but I surely thanked God when it was over.

I'm definitely not one to run to the doctor, nor to 'take it easy.' These past two days of doing just that (after a 3 hour wait at the doctor's office) have me feeling 50% better, and I'm so thankful. I don't wish sickness or discomfort on anyone. I probably have to rest more, and maybe take a multivitamin. Definitely rest. With a marathon less than two weeks away, I need to do my best, or at least finish. ;) Finishing would be 'my best' for this race. We shall see ...

Back to work tomorrow ... I hope I get through the day without feeling too awful. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, because these last two days have been a bit lonely. Thankfully, texts and calls have kept me 'company,' but I miss my friends ... And my kids. Ah, I just remembered that I have an 8:15 a.m. appointment. Well, I suppose that's my cue to end this post. Here's to 'feel-better' days ahead.

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