Thursday, March 28, 2013

It's Not a Diet ... It's a Way of Life

Clean - Eating ... It's my newest thing! Lol! Anyone who knows me (well), knows that I am a FOODIE. If you don't know me, you'd say, 'You eat?!?' which makes me WILD. Yep, I eat, I love food & I work out hard! So, it all balances out, right? Well, yes and no. You can't work out, eat crap, nor over eat, and expect it to balance out. Like everything else, you have to eat the right amount of healthy foods. Yes, indulge every now & then, but less than that would be better! (I need to remind myself of this!)

Back in August, I was 5 lbs. lighter than I am now & that doesn't necessarily make me happy. I also know what the cause of these extra pounds is. Food. I love, love, love to eat & more often than I'd like to admit, the food I take in isn't the healthiest. Three weeks ago today, I decided to make a change & joined a '6-Week Clean Eating Challenge.' Someone I follow on Instagram posted that she was holding a 6 week challenge, and anyone who wanted to join in should contact her. She would later choose a certain amount of people & begin to guide us along with clean eating guidelines, working out, rest days, group chats, etc. I was thrilled to be one of the chosen to join in this challenge & goodness, it certainly is JUST THAT. The exercise isn't the challenging part for me, thankfully. She gave us three workouts to do, but with the gym classes I take, it's hard for me to do both. I've tried, them, though, on my 'off' days & these workouts sure are intense. I do enjoy them.

For me, the challenge is not eating the junk that I truly love. Cakes, cookies, desserts. I love & enjoy regular healthy food such as your basics :: chicken, fish, eggs, etc. Giving up the desserts and other things I love (adobo on my chicken, for instance, pretzels, etc.) has been the most difficult part for me. I have searched high and low for 'clean' alternatives to my beloved sweets, and have been successful! It's amazing how many recipes have been made for clean eating. Protein pancakes are my new favorite breakfast!

Oh, so what IS clean eating, right? Well, basically, it's not eating anything that is processed ... For the most part, whole foods in their most natural states (until they are cooked), whole grains, fruits & veggies -- fresh or frozen- no added anything, proteins, healthy fats, no oils, etc. Google 'clean eating' and a plethora of information will be found. It CAN be overwhelming, mostly when I'm out, but planning ahead is KEY! Most foods that I love are on the clean eating list, but many things are not, and that's okay. If it's junk that I am considering eating, why do I want it in my body? The momentary taste & satisfaction really aren't worth the long time results. It's really about healthy eating & living. If you care about your body, you should care about what you put into it.

All this began because I saw a way to possibly lose the 5 lbs. I gained, but instead, I'm more focused on pre-planning, eating well, becoming healthier & possibly more fit. That in itself is a project, but if I'm not eating correctly/healthily, why am I bothering working out? I have to be real with myself. These next three weeks are going to fly, and I hope in the end I'm stronger :: mentally & physically, and that I'm onto a new life & eating regiment. It's not a diet; it's a way of life.

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