Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thinking Out Loud

In every day life, we deal with other individuals. It's what goes on if you venture outside of your home, or even right inside, should you have a roommate or family. How we deal with others is really what's important.

We have different relationships with different people. Often, different personalities are put together, and in some cases we deal with individuals with multiple personalities. That might be the hardest to interact with on a regular basis. I don't mean a medical condition. I mean mood swings, never being sure which way to approach them, or how they will react / respond to something.

Regardless, our dealings with other people play a big role in our daily lives.
Many times things flow so nicely. Everyone gets along, communication is excellent, or close to it, and the days come and go without a bump.
The times that don't flow so well are the ones that make me stop and ask myself why?

Why is it that sometimes a person is amazing & wonderful, yet at another time or in a different conversation, that same individual comes across as someone you don't know? I suppose life happens and sometimes we're a little off. Understandable, yes. But, when you feel like someone is changing before your eyes & that person isn't quite who you thought, it becomes an internal struggle & possibly heartbreaking.

My question, to myself I suppose, is what is to be done about it?

I am a big believer in following your instinct. It never steers us wrong. The question is do we listen to it? Do we trust ourselves as we should?
I feel, when dealing with others we should, indeed, be our best selves. Be examples of true kindness and love. When it comes to matters of the heart, of course, be kind & loving. Perhaps, though you should use your head. Emotions can be blinding, but our head is usually clearer. Disappointments happen, so do pleasant surprises. But, only we can control our reactions and responses to others.

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