Monday, September 15, 2008

Friends Reunited

Yesterday was a long, but wonderful day!
Against the doctor's (unofficial) suggestion, I listened to my body and decided to run in yesterday's Queen's half-marathon. All in all, I felt great. My calf was rather sore by the end of it, and I could tell I hadn't run in a lower back was tight, stretching my hamstrings was a new project, and I knew that taking a week off was both good and bad! I believe that the week off enabled me to run successfully, as well as running w/ Binu, but now we await the results of the MRI...that may be the topic of tomorrow's blog.

In addition to the run, I met up w/ my Best Friend from high school, Wanda. We have not hung out in 14 years! She happened to spot me at the premiere of Sex & the City. Imagine spotting one person out of so many! Well, I was thrilled that she DID see me & came to make sure that it was, in fact, me! That was in May...

We've done a much better job of keeping in touch over the last 4 months than we have over the past 14 years, haha, although we did speak for a bit after graduation. I guess life just took us in different directions for a while. It's okay, though, because clearly we were destined to be friends! : )
We hung out at the Met, which was perfect for the awfully HOT & HUMID day it was! Honestly, we spent so much time chatting away that I don't remember WHAT we saw...well, a few things. I know we spent a long time in the shop!! haha. Afterwards, we went to a little French spot, where I had my very first Chocolate Croissant! It was yummy, but I'll take a regular one w/ coffee after a run any day.

It definitely was wonderful meeting up w/ Wanda after so many years. I hope we'll get to grow as friends through this new stage of our lives... Yes, Wanda...we are all grown up now. =)

1 comment:

NEM said...

thats WONDERFUL sica, (yes im trying to be like everyone else who comments and is nice and yeah)