Saturday, May 25, 2013

Brooklyn Half ... One Week Late

Last Saturday, at this time, I was recovering from running the NYRR Brooklyn Half Marathon. I believe the night before was my last post. 

I didn't have a good night's sleep the night before, my soy milk had gone bad so I didn't have my usual breakfast, and I was pretty nervous about how I would perform. Last year I made good time while running with Leon. I was sure this year wouldn't be the same.

I arrived, as usual, just as the race has begun. I don't love running to the start, but at least I'm consistent. My legs felt heavy going out for the first few miles, and by mile 5 exhaustion had set in.  But, I was encouraged to keep going although I really wanted to stop (yes, really), and I made it to mile 9 with a steady pace. 

Come mile 10, I was starting to lose the momentum again, and didn't want water or gatorade because I wasn't thirsty (not a good reason to not drink), and I simply didn't want to stop because I knew I wouldn't start again. I looked for someone to keep pace with so I could help myself finish the race with a respectable time.

I began to follow this tall, lanky runner in front of me. His pace was steady, but not too fast, so I decided to try & stay behind him. I figured if I lost him, oh well. I was tired and just wanted to finish. I didn't want him to realize I was following him, though because I find that to be annoying & usually try to out run people I feel on my tail. It's just distracting. 

This runner happened to stay with me because I had a 'good pace' according to him & we ran side by side for the remaining 3 miles of the race. It was a good feeling to keep going, although at times I struggled.  I felt like this runner & I were unintentionally, yet intentionally, pulling each other along. 

In the end, we ended with a time of 1:42, I believe, which was 5 minutes better than last year's time. I was shocked to find that out, but thrilled at the same time.

The Coney Island experience ended with a pleasant lunch & entertaining conversation with two dear friends. I couldn't have asked for a better day.  It actually turned out the way I had hoped it would, much to my surprise. Next up :: Fairfield Half :: less than a month to train.

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