Thursday, April 25, 2013


I've chosen to delete many of my posts from this month because they were sad. They were me not listening to myself. I'm 36 years-old. When will I start listening to that still small voice in my head that knows better than my heart?

Tonight. Tonight I begin.

Moving forward, I am not going to write things based on feelings. I don't need to read back & remember how hurt I was at some point in time. What I need to recognize is how far I've come since those points.

Life is going to happen. There will be good & bad ... They will balance each other, and hopefully the good will outweigh the bad. I need to learn from each moment I go through. How can I change it for the next time & what can I learn from it?

Life is funny. It's a million different things, really.

But tonight, I will try to stop letting it beat me down. I deserve happiness & it's what I am going to continue to strive for. Ultimate happiness. I know it's out there. All things work out for the good of those who love God.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Hi Jess! I've been reading your posts and have been worried about you! I hope that things are turning around for you. Remember, "no one is perfect, but there is someone who is perfect for YOU!" You are a great person - beautiful, fun, genuine, and the list goes on! Don't let anyone tell you differently! I LOVE YOU!!