Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Morning After....

After being up until 2:?? watching t.v. and having much on my mind, I finally went to bed and SLEPT. That was GOOD bc I was truly exhausted. This morning, I woke up bright and early to the sounds of children playing and snow plows (I think I enjoyed the latter more! ha!). I've been listening to them for about 2 hours sounds like they are RIGHT OUTSIDE, and so I just looked and THERE IS ONE!!! Yay! It's plowing the driveway as I type! Love it!!! So, I'm going to brave the roads (eventually) and attempt to see the Christmas show at my cousin's church. I might also go to DSW for some snow boots. Maybe I believed it wouldn't snow this winter, so why get them before? haha.
Besides all my 'complaining' about this crippling weather, it really is beautiful. I don't really mind seeing the snow piled on my windowsills. Let's see how I do once I get outside.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Wish we could get a few flakes this far south. Merry Christmas Jessica - thanks for the card.