Saturday, December 19, 2009

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

Tonight we are getting our first big snowstorm of the season. Old Man Winter is actually scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Seems, though, that he couldn't wait and decided to come in with quite the greeting~~a blizzard. I am not a fan of the snow one bit. It makes me feel trapped and I quickly get 'cabin fever'. However, as Natalie said, "It is pretty to look at." True, true.
I guess everyone has their 'thing' that they like to do in the snow...
My friend, Shannon, is making cookies with/for the kids. Yum! My friend, Mike, likes to go outside with his munchkins, play in the snow, and when they are finished, they go back inside for hot chocolate by the fire. Angie likes to ski. She also tells me that I need to 'embrace the winter.' Not very likely. ; ) Natalie and Justyn will probably sled down Mom's driveway all bundled up and wild! Me~~Nothing. For someone who truly enjoys their 'alone time' the snow makes me dislike it. Possibly because I can't go anywhere, see anyone or do anything. So, maybe this snow storm I will change that. Maybe I will make it my business to find something I enjoy doing while nature is taking it's course...and making me crazy. haha. We shall see... I mean, there are 3 more months of this temperamental season. I suppose I'd better make the best of it!

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