Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Invisalign Disaster!

For those of you who don't know, I've been wearing Invisalign since January. I have to say, they have worked very well. Sue would agree, as she once commented, "Jess, those invisalign are really working." haha...THANKS, Sue. I do think they've helped a bit.
Anyone who has shared a meal w/ me in the past 10 months can attest to the craziness I go through when I have to remove and 'store' them away...What should be an easy task of putting them in my CASE, isn't. I usually put them in a paper towel and just set them somewhere...by the end of the meal, someone has almost always thrown them out... My whole lunch crew could agree! ha! Last month, one of my students threw out the 'napkin' that was on the table while I was at a meeting. My orthodontist made me a new retainer since I am awaiting a new set of aligners... Today's adventure topped the last...

After eating lunch, I didn't put them on right away. Instead, I left them in my bag wrapped in a napkin. Fine. Not really, though...when I arrived at my mom's casa, I set the bag down and out popped EVERYTHING because our dog is WILD and jumped on me right away. Cute, but wild. As Natalie, Justyn and I sat doing work, all of a sudden, Pepper was running through the house w/ a piece of paper...we chased her down and got it...okay, no worries. Next thing I knew, Nat pointed out that one of my retainers had fallen out of my bag and onto the floor...again, not a prob...until I heard a snap...something that sounded like plastic...something that sounded like it was being chewed....next thing I knew, Pepper was CHEWING on my bottom retainer. Oh my goodness!!!! All I did was yell Noooooo, but yes....she killed it. My orthodontist is going to kill me! Marisel said, "Dude, the invisalign...just not meant to be." Could she be right?


Michelle said...

Oh brother...You need to invent Invisalign insurance (like cell phone insurance) for people like you...

NEM said...

hahahahaha GREAT times sica-great times.