Friday, April 6, 2012

Thoughts ...

As far as (romantic) relationships go, I must admit I have seen a lot over the past, say 20 years. That would definitely indicate that I've been on the dating scene for far too long. Many of my friends and I, actually. I can't help but think of Charlotte, from Sex and the City, who says her hair hurts from dating so long. It's a laughable scene and relatable, as well.

At my age, most women I know are married with children. A good number of my friends, both male and female, are still single, as well. Who has it better? The married friends or the single ones? And does someone from each side long, at some point, to be on the other? I know where I stand.

Speaking from the not yet married side, I can confidently say that finding the right person, the right fit, your sole mate, the person God created just for you, can take a lot of patience, meet and greets, happy times, amazing relationships and complete disasters. What keeps us in the game? What keeps us from throwing our hands up and saying, 'Forget it; I'm perfectly happy alone.'? I'm not sure, to be honest. We all long for that perfect fit with the right one. However, no relationship is perfect. Getting to know someone -- really know them -- can take a lifetime. In the meanwhile, if you have found the one you believe you want to be with, there is work that must be done ... Relationships require honesty, nurturing, time to get to know each other. Hopefully, most times will be blissful, but other moments may require work on both sides ... At times it may get so that it may not seem not worth the fight. That's when the questions and prayers come into play. Is this the right one for me? Sometimes, painful honesty is necessary.

When you do find that one that seems to have everything you're looking for, be prepared to go through it all with him/her. Work through the wonderful times, the great times, and the times when it seems a little less than great together. People should be able to talk each other through the insecurities & not fear they will be ridiculed or insulted. Problems will arise, yes. That is part of life. The challenge is how you deal with them -- together. IWhen you do meet that one, you'll enjoy your moments, look forward to the next times you'll see each other and, genuinely appreciate each little thing that you two share... A smile, a joke, a memory, a hug, etc.

In the end, I say this -- if you haven't found that 'one', don't give up. Stay hopeful and prayerful. God has created a very special person for each of us. Continue enjoying each day & working on making yourself your best self. And, if you have been blessed to have found him/her -- cherish that person and your relationship. Make new memories every day. Pray together and for each other ... And remember to have fun --- good times always follow the bad, a rainbow always follows rain.

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