Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

It's been a busy weekend, and I know the rest of the month will be just the same. However, it was a special weekend. There were First Holy Communions to celebrate and Mother's Day. Both events were quite special. I am glad I was invited to be part of those celebrations!

Today, I celebrated Mother's Day with my mother, aunts, uncle, cousins, and grandmother. Although it was as WINDY as a late October day, the sun was shining brightly, and we were NICE & WARM inside my aunt's house. There we had a lovely dinner, watched t.v. and just sat around enjoying the company that we don't get the chance to often enough.

I was fortunate to start the day with a Mother's Day 10K race with my mom. An 8 a.m. start at the beach wasn't my idea of great start to a Sunday morning. I was exhausted, and it was very cold and windy. However, we used the wind to our advantage, as it cooled us off when we got too warm. Running into wind is about as difficult as running uphill. Neither is easy, but you do it slowly and steadily, and we did. Of course there was grunting, complaining, and breathing...there was also conversation, laughter, and picture taking. My mom and I do not usually run together, simply because we run at different paces. Since it was a Mother's Day race, I thought it would be nice to stay together. She usually doesn't like for me to 'talk' during the run because I simply can not 'shut up' as she says. ha! That's okay, though. I just keep on going, whether it be running or talking! ha! I'm glad I decided to run with her. She did a wonderful job, and finished with a respectable time of 1:11. Awesome job, Mom!

I am truly thankful that I had the opportunity to spend time with my mother today. She is a wonderful person with a great heart. I pray she is blessed all the days of her life.

Love you, Mom! xoxo

1 comment:

Sandy said...

How sweet Jessica. I can only imagine running if it were going to save my life - ha ha - not for fun. You and your mom look great together and I'm glad you had a special day.