Monday, February 8, 2010

Tonight's Thoughts...

I definitely appreciate how every now and then Shannon will delicately remind me that I haven't been blogging. Her words today were, "You're slackin' with the blogs." Very true.

Sometimes I need inspiration to write...other times, I must simply vent. Writing is my outlet, and anyone who emails, texts, etc. me regularly knows that. I enjoy expressing myself through the written word. Still, there are times when I can't connect the words to my feelings, or life is just 'quiet.' It's those times that the blog goes through a 'dry spell.'

Life never ceases to amaze me...everything that's happened in the past month has put me through an emotional ringer. It's been exhausting and elating, although never at the same time. Actually, now that I reflect, that's not true. During some harder days, there was a pleasantly unexpected light at the end of the tunnel that happened to shine through...and suddenly, things were put back into perspective. And that's pretty much how life goes. We go through the good and the bad, and while the bad seems downright crippling, there's always someone to shine their light in your life and get you through it...even if they don't know it.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

What a great way to say life sucks sometimes, but God always pulls us through it. As my sister says, "if you wait long enough, everything changes".