Sunday, February 7, 2010

Back to Hunter

This whole fantastic idea of working towards my second Master's Degree was exactly that~~a fantastic idea~~last year at this time. One year later, with only two classes under my belt, and beginning my third, I sit and wonder why I'm still trying to get it done. The 'prize' seems so far off that I'm feeling slightly discouraged.

My most recent course, Assessment of Students with Disabilities, seems amazing, but I feel as though I took a VERY similar class when I worked on my Masters in Reading. The professor is very laid back, which will be calming after a long day with the kids. Our required work seems quite interesting. No group projects, thank God, and everything is to be turned in by the end of the specific due dates. What's the problem, right?

I don't know...The class isn't on campus, and I LOVE the Hunter Campus. Granted, the 'campus' is two buildings on 68th & Lexington Avenue, but that's just the point. Being there, on Lexington Ave. and on the school 'grounds' amongst all the other 'college kids' brings me back to my college days, which were filled with MANY amazing memories and great friends. My class is on the 94th Street campus school, between Park and Madison Ave. In reality, it's the PERFECT location for a pre-class 6 miler, if the weather should ever warm up, it's four blocks from the NYRR office, and two blocks from Starbucks. Add to that, my commute into the city is a bit shorter. So, okay, there are pluses and minuses to being off campus. One big minus is not being with the dear friends I made last semester. We probably wouldn't be in the same classes at this point, anyway. But, I can be a creature of habit, and very shy, so I'm not up for making new friends just yet. However, as I anxiously waited for class to begin, many of the students walked in with their friends, and I found myself missing mine.

I know I have to get my mindset back to the place that brought me to want this degree...Perhaps once I really get into my work, I'll be there. In the meantime, I want this discouraging feeling to go away.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

You can do this if its what you want. Don't give up or be discouraged. Anyone who can run a marathon like you knows about long distance. Go girl!