Monday, July 9, 2012

Camp Seeca, 2012

And so, camp season 2012 has begun & is in full swing. Today we began week 2, and I am already exhausted ... as is every person I work with. Week one was very successful, thank God. We had a mid-week day off for July 4th, and it was a MUCH NEEDED BREAK. For the rest of the season, we have straight weeks to get through. Let's see how we do.

My staff is pretty good, so far. They seem so young, which is probably because I'm a good 15+years older than most of them. Scary. Most seem enthusiastic about their job, which is to work with and entertain 4-5 year old children; not easy tasks at all. Many are putting their heart into their job, and that makes me proud.
You can't force someone to give their all or to be enthusiastic. I love when genuinely comes from them.

I get to work with Meredith and Tina again, which is wonderful, and we get along so well. I also have the pleasure of working with a former counselor turned Division Head, Matt. He's doing a great job, has fallen right into the position, which entails A LOT, and at times can become stressful, but he's taken it on so well and that helps so much. We all work nicely together. It makes the job go that much more smoothly, and the days together are great ... Even through the moments where we may want to scream.

So, now that day one of week two has come and gone, we now have 19 days to go. Is it sad that I'm counting down already? I do have my summer vacation to look forward to ... What that will entail has yet to be determined. For now, I will focus on camp and the 'momentary victories' we will overcome every day.

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