Saturday, February 25, 2012

Training 2012

It seems like I'm always training for a race. This year, training began early because a friend is running his first half marathon at the end of March, and I will run it w him. It's his birthday gift / accomplishment to himself. This morning we will head out for our 8 mile run. I believe it will be good despite today's cold temperature. He's been doing well with the training & I believe that's been encouraging for him. Running isn't for everyone. Since my former training partners are married and not running as much anymore, I'm thrilled that my friend has become my new 'for now' running partner. Not sure if he'll continue to run after this race, though. We shall see. At least this will keep me conditioned for my fall marathon training which will begin in late June. There's something about running that I truly just enjoy.

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