Saturday, February 25, 2012

Dad's Surprise 60th Birthday Lunch

Planning a surprise ANYTHING for anyone is not an easy task. However, today I was able to pull off yet another surprise party. This one was for my dad, as he is turning 60 this Monday. My sister and I began the planning about a month ago, and with the passing of our grandmother we weren't sure if it was still a good idea. However, our mother and aunt both gave the go ahead & so we did!

My family & some of dad's friends dined at La Corsa in Manhattan. The cuisine is Italian & the food was delicious.

We surprised Dad by telling him he was going to a birthday lunch for Justyn since his birthday was two weeks ago & we weren't able to celebrate then. I loved how he really didn't get that the 'SURPRISE' was for him! Justyn had to turn around and tell my dad, 'It's for you!'. VERY FUNNY!

Everything turned out WONDERFULLY and a great time was had by all. I'm grateful that my dad is still in our lives. He is an excellent example of what a father should be. He's always been encouraging and sweet. God gave us His best as far as fathers go. I pray we'll have him for many, many more years.

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