Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trip up North...

Since my last blog, a lot has happened. I definitely have to write all the summer memories down before they are forgotten, and I plan to do so. Now that I have some time off before school begins, perhaps 'catching up' will be my next project. For now, I will begin today's update on my latest trip.

Once again, this NYC girl traveled out of state. This particular trip not only took me out of our wonderful country, but to our neighbor, Canada. Going there served two purposes, well, maybe three, and it proved to be a great time!

Normally, Canada would not be the destination of choice for my annual summer getaway. However, having met an interesting Canadian last month at my dear friends, Sue and Gary's, wedding, I decided to see what he was really about. Let's be honest...most people put their best foot forward upon meeting someone of interest. The question then becomes, "Is this REALLY who this person is?" After spending a few weeks getting to know him, as much as one can via phone and text, chatting, laughing, and just enjoying the moments, we decided a visit was an order. Being the travelista that I am, I decided to go back to Canada. As mentioned above, the trip would serve three purposes: a much needed vacation, seeing what this person was really about, and having the pleasure of spending time with my dear friend, Sue.

Having gone there with no expectations, well, less than usual for me, led me to be pleasantly surprised. Not only was Canada, specifically Georgetown, beautiful and quaint, but the company and everyone I met, was wonderful and hospitable. The days and nights were low-key, yet entertaining, and I got a lot of much needed rest. It's been an exhausting year in many ways, so this mini-vacation was simply perfect.

Getting to know my new friend was easy, enjoyable and entertaining, to say the least. I quickly felt comfortable and things seemed to fall right into place. Conversation flowed easily, the laughs and such that had gone on via phone were now happening in 'real life' and simply stated, it was a lot of fun. From wearing my cowboy boots and hat to the rodeo, to cheering him and his team on at the soft ball game, to hanging with friends, walking through a fair & making faces at ALL the unhealthy food there, haha, to simply relaxing, I could not have asked for a nicer time.

My friend is training the sweetest Golden Lab puppy to work, one day, with Autistic children. The puppy, at 14 months old, hardly seems like one. He's huge, playful and cuddly. However, when you return from breakfast to find one (just one) of your fabulous sandals and not yet read magazine both shredded to pieces, you're quickly reminded that 'fully grown' doesn't mean 'adult'. Good thing I was completely in love with the puppy, and getting over the sandal (and magazine) was surprisingly easy.

One day was spent with Sue and Gary. We all met for lunch, but not before indulging in a chocolate chip cookie. YUM! Afterward, I had the pleasure of hanging with them for the rest of that day. It felt just like our old times together in NY. I find that missing her hasn't gotten easier, but on this trip I learned that we don't say, "Good-bye", but instead we say, "See you later." And same with my new friend. Perhaps I'll 'see him later.' Time will tell, I suppose. For now, I will fondly remember my time away, and the memories I made with my new friend and old ones.

The puppy who chewed my things. Too cute!

The McDonalds in Canada have a maple leaf in the middle of the arches!