I can't believe I haven't posted since January. So many things, wonderful and not so much, have gone on since then. I truly need to make more time to write, since I do enjoy doing so.
Once again, I'm in Florida w/ the Celentano family for Spring Break. Our first full day here has been eventful. From Target, to the pool, dinner and now 'Just Dance', there's always excitement to be had!
Today also is Palm Sunday, the start to Holy Week. From what I hear, service was amazing, and I'm sad to have missed it. However, thanks to the power of technology & the great crew @ MGT, I will be able to hear it online @ some point.
Tomorrow we're off to Adventure Islands! While I'm excited, I'm slightly nervous due to today's sunburn! Ah! It's much too early in the week to be sunburned. There are more days of sun and fun to be had!
In closing, (how official that sounds! ha!)I'm thankful to God for his traveling mercies on us, and to the Celentano clan for inviting me back again.